America's Most Remarkable Kid Died In Newcastle, Utah His Legacy Never Will
Reposting a beautiful and heartbreaking story from Deseret News remembering Kevin Cooper, Americas most remarkable kid.
Part Three Of Building A Motion Detector With Raspberry Pi 3 And Aws
It has been a while, but I am back with the third installment of building a motion detector with AWS and raspberry pi.
Part Two Of Building A Motion Detector With Raspberry Pi 3 And Aws
Welcome to part two of building a motion detector with raspberry pi. Today, we are going to focus on harnessing the power of AWS IoT Core and the IoT SDK to have our raspberry pi communicate with cloud resources. Great! However, before we get started…I have to make a few assumptions.
Part One Of Building A Motion Detector With Raspberry Pi 3 And Aws
Welcome to part one of building a motion detector with RaspberryPi, AWS IOT Core, and AWS SNS.
Building A Motion Detector Troubleshooting Doc
Troubleshooting for the RaspberryPI motion detector. Topics include: RaspberryPi, AWS IOT Core, AWS SNS, and AWS SDK. This is a constantly updated document. If you had an issue with the tutorial and solved it, please let me know. Likewise, if you had an issue and did not solve it, please contact me.
Deploying A Static Site To Aws S3
Cool, you want to host a static site on an AWS S3 bucket. You, my friend, came to the right place. One quick note: As with every “how-to post” I try to keep it bare bones - here is the stuff you need, here are some steps, and use stuff and steps in conjunction to accomplish some goal. HOWEVER, as with any tutorial, there are multiple rabbit holes one can mindlessly tumble down. So, please do not mistake this for a complete analysis of every moving part - especially when it relates to AWS(because holy sh*t the rabbit holes never end); Bucket policies, CORS, versioning, object lambda, tiering, batch operations, processing, AMS, etc. All these topics deserve posts of their own, but I am just one person.
Life In Arizona
Photos from my adventures in Arizona and California!
Automating (kinda) Git Commands And Push Notifications With I F T T T And Bash
I am currently making “headway” (such a good word, so ambiguous, yet so professional and serious), on a workflow application integrated with Github - starting soon, I will have updates about how exactly it works and why it is life-altering, or on why exactly it does not work and why it is not life-altering(have not reached that critical juncture, yet). While working on that though, I got interested in getting push notifications for commits to the repo and automating git commands(a bit beyond just writting aliases). What follows is a recap of (or for some an introduction to) git aliases, tutorial on how to set up IFTTT applets, and my primordial amalgamation of both in one bash script.
Neuralink In Media: Technological Limitations And Bioethical Concerns
Over the past decade, using media sources to present scientific advances and research has increased in popularity. A growing number of companies are eschewing typical presentation methods for more informal approaches, whether it be the employees posting updates on Twitter or the company making Youtube videos, as only a couple of examples. The freedom that the internet has given people in relaying information is a net-benefit but does diminish the vetting standards of the information the public receives. With healthcare products, easy access to potential customers can be tricky in two ways, (1) it allows the company to garner support for their idea or research project - financially or otherwise - without having to be held accountable. But, also, (2) causes people to, in their excitement, overlook the serious bioethical issues involved. In particular, these issues have been a concern in the research and development of Brain-Computer Interfaces(BCIs), which "…acquire brain signals, analyze them, and translate them into commands that are relayed to output devices that carry out desired actions''. [1] While many companies have started to research and develop these technologies, none are more prevalent in the media than Elon Musk's Neuralink. [2]
- Aristotle Metaphysics: Lambda
On Epicurean Death
First, consider an Epicurean view of death: death cannot hurt us because it cannot make us feel bad. Lucretius lays the groundwork for this argument in his book, On The Nature Of Things,
Life In Alaska
Some photos from life in Alaska! To see more check out my dropbox!
- Julia Presentation
Open Earth
Drone videos from my time with Don Bickley and the open Earth Project in Valdez, AK. Enjoy!
- Hello World!