
Just writing about IoT, the cloud, and philosophy of science. No socials or anything to plug, but you can follow me here, or on github to see poorly written recursion(recursion(recursion(recursion(…))))(right?). My other interests lie in grammars, philosophy of logic, human nature, bioethics, computer hardware, language processing, systems design, technical workspaces, cycling, and backpacking.

Current Research and General Interests:

  • Cloud Computing
  • Constructive Empiricism
  • Computer Models and Simulations
  • Machine Learning Optimization

Past Projects, Research:

Webhook Processor

  • Webhook endpoint that accepts a POST, processes it using Redis and Sidekiq, and alert subscribed endpoints

Tweet Sentiment

  • An app for seeing the sentiment of twitter posts pertinent to your company during a certain time period

Facility Management System

  • A scaleable system for managing facilities containing multiple buildings and rooms within them.

Distributed Memo System

  • https://ecommons.luc.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1043&context=cs_facpubs

Movie Review Classification

  • review classification in Python and R


  • An open-source effort focused on building state-of-the-art collaborative notetaking tools for scholarly writing projects

Spam Filter

  • Spam Filter in R

Basic NLP tasks

  • Tokenization, N-gram generation, model evaluation


  • Technology Education through github - in progress

Context Free Grammars

  • Presentation I did about context free grammars during an NLP course, Chicago, IL


  • Twitter-bot that uses Markov Chains to model certain authors writing

Adventure Game

  • Text adventure game in java, which allows you to move throughout rooms and collect clues, build objects, etc

Enitity Recognition

  • Entity Recognition in python


  • Most of my research and bigger projects are private, but should be available for viewing later in the year

Contact me

Sorry, I am no longer exposing my email address.