Part Three Of Building A Motion Detector With Raspberry Pi 3 And Aws

It has been a while, but I am back with the third installment of building a motion detector with AWS and raspberry pi.

First, as always though, I need to make a few assumptions:


  • Everything(and all the assumptions) from part two has been completed/adhered to.

1 Setting up SNS

1.1: In the AWS management console, navigate to Simple Notification Service(SNS).

1.2: Here, select “Create a Topic”. For this use case, select a standard topic rather than the default, first in first out(FIFO).

1.3: For your topic name, choose “Motion-Alert” (or whatever you fancy)

1.4: Finally, press “Create the Topic” to save your changes.

1.5: Now, we have to make sure that the SNS topic subscribes to the correct topic. We can do that by creating an SNS subscription. To do this, first, select your topic.

1.6: In the topic details page, select “create a subscription”.

1.7: You have a plethora of options to select for protocol/endpoint, but for our case, we are going to choose SMS for protocol and phone number for the endpoint. I recommend using your own phone number. I added a friend to the list for testing. They were not entertained.

1.8: Choose “create subscription”.

1.9: Publish a message to test it out!

2 Sending data to our SNS topic

2.1: So….we created a topic, cool. However, that topic does not have any data being sent to it currently. To do that, we have to set up a rule that will look for the payload from our device, and link it with the SNS rule. Let’s refer back to our architectural overview to solidify the connections:

Ok, we sent data from the raspberry pi to IoT Core in part two, right? Yes, hopefully. If this part is working, then payloads should be sent to a topic called “data” in IoT Core. IoT Core is subscribed to changes that are published to a topic(like payloads with motion data!). In SNS, we have this whole other thing going on. A topic was created that has one subscriber(endpoint: phone number). Subscribers will “do something” every time that topic receives a payload! However, these are not connected right now, so we have to find a way to subscribe that SNS topic to changes in the IoT core topic; connecting the two is done by creating the aforementioned rule.

2.2: In the management console, navigate to IoT Core and then select the “ACT” dropdown. There, select “Rules”

2.3: Select “Create A rule”.

2.4: Perfect! You should be here:

2.5: Now, add a name. This can be whatever you want, but setting a relevant name will make dealing with a lot of rules much easier.

2.6: Now, let’s add some SQL. Before just copying the query though, think about the problem and try and construct it yourself.

The problem is: we need to grab certain data from a topic with the name raspberrypi/data

The answer: SELECT VALUE [date, time, motion] FROM 'raspberrypi/data'

Note: this is the way I did it, but if you have a better query, cool. Use that one!

Go ahead and enter that into the “Rule query statement” section.

2.7: Now, add an action! Select “Send a message as an SNS push notification”. Here, choose the SNS topic you created earlier and “RAW” format.

2.8: The rule is good to go, right? No! Not yet, we have to give it the correct permissions! Do this by creating a policy called sns_iot_rule_role that allows the rule to target the SNS topic.

2.9: Nice! Now, create it!

3 Testing it out:

3.1: Simply run the program on raspberry pi and set off the motion detector. Double-check that data comes in on the IoT Core topic and then wait for a message!

4 Rejoice!

You created a motion detector that sends notifications to users via AWS IoT Core and AWS SNS. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out!

Written on May 30, 2021